Surgeon Dr. Kisser in Vienna – other operations

Chief Surgeon Dr. Kisser performs small and large surgeries. Every treatment will have a thorough diagnosis and individual consultation.

All technicalities that are necessary for hospital admission are taken care of in our practice. The surgery date will be arranged. The outpatient aftercare will also take place in our practice.

Stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers

When a stomach or duodenal disease is suspected, we recommend gastroscopy.

Thyroid gland

The thyroid glands main job is to control the energy metabolism. Any form of thyroid enlargement is called goiter. There can be several reasons why surgery could be necessary: Suspicion of a benign or malign growth, a thyroid hyperfunction or a massive increase in size.
Nowadays, thyroid surgeries are common and very safe. The patient can resume their daily life quickly.

Thyroid diseases:

  • Goiter
  • Hyperactive thyroid
  • Tumors

A goiter is the most common thyroid disease. In most cases, this is accompanied by an iodine-deficiency and is caused by an imbalance between growth factors and inhibiting factors.  This leads to the thyroid land enlarging, followed by a decrease of active cells. These interchanging developments lead to an enlarged thyroid gland.
Symptoms usually only arise with large knots. Some patients complain about an increasing feeling of tightness and problems swallowing or breathing. Most of them fell the knot with their fingers or can see it in the mirror. Knots are normally only visible when the head is tilted back.
Knot-like changes do not automatically mean there is an increased hormone production. Thyroid hyperfunction is relatively rare.

Goiter – enlarged thyroid

LABORATORY EXAMINATION: Through a laboratory examination we can evaluate whether your thyroid is over or underactive. If this is the case, the thyroid hormones will be targeted and examined. A hyper or hypofunction is treated medically until hormones are re-balanced.

SONOGRAPHY: The exact extent of the knot can be determined through a sonographic examination of the thyroid, where the location and size of knots are studied on both thyroid lobes. This examination is necessary for surgery preparation.

SCINTIGRAPHY: Thyroid malfunctions and fast-growing knots are examined through a scintigraphy. This examination detects what parts of the thyroid are active. In normal cases of knot-like enlargements, this is not necessary. In case a surgery is necessary, you will be transferred to an otorhinolaryngologist to examine your vocal chord function.
You will be informed about possible complications and consequential damages prior to the operation, and the date will be arranged.

Thyroid surgery

This surgery is done via a relatively small incision, usually with a very good cosmetic result. During the operation, all knots are removed with special instruments. This minimally invasive procedure is only possible with small knots.
The surgery´s goal is to remove all present knots. If both thyroid lobes are affected, this can mean that the entire thyroid must be removed. In this case, the missing thyroid hormones must be taken as supplements.
After the thyroid surgery: After you awake form the full anesthesia, you are allowed to drink, and can soon eat as well. A few hours later you are able to walk along the corridor. Thanks to an excellent pain therapy, you will feel almost no pain at all. The next day you will have a normal breakfast at the table and be able to move like a healthy person. On the second day, you will most likely go home, after a bandage-change including removal of the skin staples. You will continue to take painkillers and the wounds will be regularly checked. The healing process will be done after about 2 weeks.

Pancreas surgery

The pancreas produces both digestive juices and insulin. Malfunctions can show as jaundice, stomach aches, white stool or diarrhea. Inflammations, cysts, and tumors can make a surgery necessary.

Liver and bile tracts

The liver is responsible for purifying the blood. It also produces bile, which plays an important part in our digestion. Bile is transferred into the intestines via the bile ducts and is stored in the gallbladder.

Symptoms of liver diseases may include:

  • Jaundice
  • White stool
  • Pain in the upper abdomen

Pain is caused by a congestion in the bile ducts or by poor blood circulation in the liver. The liver contains benign and malign tumors, as well as metastases of malign tumors of other organs (f.ex. large intestine).

Breast surgery

Ultrasound cannot always determine whether a lump in the breast is benign or malign.

Surgeon Dr. Kisser in Vienna will perform a tissue biopsy and will consult you. If necessary, Dr. Kisser will remove the lump. Complete breast removals are almost not done anymore. The scar around the areola will be nearly invisible.

Lymph node surgery

The lymph nodes work as filters in our body. When inflammations or tumors occur, they swell up due to functioning more than usual. If the swelling continues over a long time, a biopsy must be done in order to assure no malign tumor or lymph node cancer. In case of malign tumors in the skin or chest, Dr. Kisser will perform a so-called sentinel lymph node removal.

Esophagus surgery

The esophagus transports food from the throat to the stomach. When the esophagus is diseased, it mostly shows through swallowing difficulties. A gastroscopy with sample taking is the most important examination for this condition. It will help locate protrusion, inflammations, tumors, and malfunctions. Dr. Kisser in Vienna will gladly inform you about therapies, medications or surgical options.


Removing skin tumors

On the surface of the skin, every one of us has moles, birthmarks or warts. Those can change or grow. Swellings under the skin can be removed in Dr. Kissers practice in Vienna. Fehler auf Deutsch, wahrscheinlich war gemeint “Diese verändern sich“.

Surgeon Dr. Kisser is your point of contact for surgery in Vienna.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.